Title 42: Policy and The Southern Border
The season finale of RadioEd is finally here! This week, Matt chats with Rebecca Galemba, an associate professor at the Joseph Korbel School of International Studies, who specializes the intersections of globalization, illicit markets, migration, security, and labor in Mexico, Central America, and the United States about what Title 42 is and what are its implications, both to immigrants who seek to live in the United States and as a political mechanism.
Matt and Rebecca also talk about how Title 42 changed from Trump’s administration to Biden’s, and how the government has treated immigrants throughout the years, with policies such as Title 8, and what that could mean to future immigrants seeking asylum in the United States. Galemba also tackles the hard topic of the Externalization of Borders the United States and other countries sometimes resort to, which, according to her, can be seen as neglecting their responsibility to take in asylum seekers.
Rebecca Galemba, Ph.D., is an anthropologist who studies the intersections of globalization, illicit markets, migration, security, and labor in Mexico, Central America, and the U.S.
She teaches graduate and undergraduate courses on Qualitative Research Methodologies, Cultures of Development, Migration, and Illicit Markets. Through research, teaching, and community-engaged work, she draws on interdisciplinary approaches to enhance the public good and contribute to studies of social inequality in Latin America and the US. She is professionally affiliated with the American Anthropological Association, the Latin American Studies Association, the International Studies Association, the Guatemala Scholars Network, the Society for Applied Anthropology, and the Society for Economic Anthropology.
More information:
Laboring for Justice: The Fight Against Wage Theft in an American City:
Center for Immigration Policy and Research:
The DU Just Wages Project:
Migrants Deported to Mexico Face Criminals and Predatory Officials:
US authorities ‘seeing large numbers of migrants at border’ before Title 42 expiration – as it happened:
‘The border is not open’: US immediately replaces Title 42 with strict new rules:
What is Title 42, why is it ending and what’s happening now at the border: