Radio BE-Ex
New York’s Path to Decarbonization with Janet Joseph
New York State has one of the most progressive climate action plans in the country– a commitment to 100 percent carbon free electricity by 2040, and carbon neutrality across all sectors of the economy by 2050. Achieving these mandates will be a major challenge, with the building sector impacted as much as any other component of our highly industrialized economy.
As Senior Vice President, Strategy and Market Development, Janet Joseph is a critical member of the executive leadership team at NYSERDA, with direct responsibility for the decarbonization of the building sector across the State. We will discuss what the coming year holds for NYSERDA, the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis and the challenges and opportunities it presents to advancing our clean energy priorities, and the new landscape for promoting high performance buildings across the 4th most populous state in the nation and it’s third largest economy.