The Radical Brilliance Podcast

The Radical Brilliance Podcast

Should You Write a Book? ~ with Bill Gladstone

January 20, 2020

There are so many good reasons to write a book: Writing can help organize our thoughts or come to new understandings about the material we’re presenting once we go through the process of putting it all on paper; writing can be emotionally gratifying — cathartic and/or joyful; writing can help uplift and preserve diverse perspectives and cultures that deserve representation.

If you have something to contribute to the world (and, by the way, everyone does), then consider writing a book. Bill Gladstone, renowned literary agent behind some of the greatest books of the last century, shares his thoughts in this episode. Enjoy.

4:57 — The State of the Book

15:32 — When you have something important to contribute…

23:31 — How to increase the chances of your book being discovered?

31:38 — Writing for a better world 

37:43 — How to start your book

44:22 — Tips to overcome writing challenges