Racial Heresy | Making Racial Reconciliation a Spiritual Practice

Racial Heresy | Making Racial Reconciliation a Spiritual Practice

White Supremacy & the Log that Blinds the Church Amidst Racial Discord

June 17, 2020

The violence of White Supremacy continues on brazen public display...

Leaders of government, of communities, of religious institutions are fanning the flames of racial discord.

But with violence being brought to light and white people paying attention in new ways, even showing up in the streets, how can the Church be a voice for change?


We the Church - especially the liberal, progressive, conscientious White Church - like to call-out the shortcomings and failings of our public institutions, even some of our public leaders. As well we should. Isn't that the prophetic role of the Church?

We want Black life to matter! We want to see change! We want to make a difference...

...but what are we really willing to do to help make that change a reality?

What are we willing to recognize and excise in our own life, our own lives to help make that change a reality?

What are we will to admit, expose, and confess in our selves and in our church to help make that change a reality?

Admitting white supremacy in our relationships?

Why do you see the speck in your neighbor’s eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye? Or how can you say to your neighbor, “Let me take the speck out of your eye”, while the log is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbor’s eye. - Matthew 7:3-5

What about "church" makes us willing to be silent about the behavior, attitudes, and impacts of our sisters and brothers while we denounce the same behavior, attitudes, and impacts in the world?

What about our faith makes us willing to be silent? What about our God? Has white supremacy reached so far?

How credible is our witness?

We want to know, how can we, how do you (re)claim authentic Christian witness?

What do you do to engage the people of your church? How do you bring sight to the blind amidst the revealing of racial discord in our country?

There is much to say and much to discuss - come to the Racial Heresy group to be a part of the conversation.

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