Latest Episodes

Pilot Wife #1 - Fighter Pilot Wife, to help mothers like me who have sons in pilot training.
September 21, 2023

Hope this video is helpful. If you have any questions beyond this video, please write them down below, and I will ask her to answer them for me. ....................... As you all know, my son graduated from the Air Force Academy last June and had his 6

Pilot Wife #1 - Fighter Pilot Wife, to help mothers like me who have sons in pilot training.
September 20, 2023

Hope this video is helpful. If you have any questions beyond this video, please write them down below, and I will ask her to answer them for me. ....................... As you all know, my son graduated from the Air Force Academy last June and had his 6

August 15, 2023

Sebagai pelaku perkawinan canpuran pindah2 negara ini susah susah gambang berteman itu

Perasaan di saat anak keluar rumah karna sekolah dan tinggal di asrama atau sudah mandiri
June 25, 2022

Apa sih rasa nya kall anak kita kuliah da tinggal di asramaBack ground music No Copyrightin audio by infraction CC BY#RoyalFreeMusic#NoCopyrightmusic

Perasaan seorang empty nester
November 18, 2021

di saat seorang ibu mencari jati diri di saat anak2 sudah keluar dari rumah

Temen di Luar Negeri
May 18, 2021

sebagai perkawinan campuran sangat susah cari teman .. menurut kalian gimana

Inner self - ENGLISH
April 30, 2021

is everything about inner me

Trip around the globe - ENGLISH
April 27, 2021

The last time Inout up my eps was sept and I thought I like to refresh u all about my life

CULTURE SHOCK - Indonesian
March 20, 2021

apa sih culture shock , trus kok bisa Culture Shock

3 Rumah, 3 Negara yang berbeda
September 09, 2020

Ada yg tanya enak ngga tinggal di luar negeri ? Trus pertanyaan lain , trus enak nya apa tinggal di negara ketiga? sebenernya baru sadar kalo saya ngejalanin 3 rumah di 3 negara ....... --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to mak