Question Your Answers

Question Your Answers

Latest Episodes

Early Morning Meditation
March 01, 2022

Experiencing the sacred wholeness of nature and participating in the consciousness of Christ

Depth of experience
November 23, 2021

I Am Who I Am, oR I Will Be Who I Will Be
April 20, 2021

Time, Eternity, Timelessness, God's relationship with time, and what this means to us - why is it relevant. These are the themes discussed by Ryan Mullins and Andre Rabe. Specifically, God's self-revelation in Exodus 3 and how it relates to time.

The Resurrection – A Meditation
April 07, 2021

The unexpected event of the resurrection continues to have surprising implications for how we live.

The Cross – A Meditation
April 07, 2021

Join me for this meditation on the meaning of the cross of Jesus, as we discover a whole new way of interpreting its meaning.

Mind, Value, and Cosmos with Andrew Davis
February 28, 2021

What kind of universe produces creatures that question the very nature of reality? Are our questions an anomaly in an otherwise mindless universe, or are consciousness and our search for meaning exemplifications of the fabric of reality?

Simplicity, Complexity & Value
February 22, 2021

How the contrast of simplicity and complexity can release value and create greater beauty.

The What, How, And Why of Miracles
December 21, 2020

Can we participate in the process of creating surprising and unusual events? What are miracles? These are just a few of the questions we explore. A conversation with Thomas Oord, Andre and Mary-Anne Rabe.

Divine Doubt
December 06, 2020

A conversation with Philip Clayton. There are some doubts that are nothing less than the whisper of God, saying: "I'm making room for Myself. " These doubts tear down the boundaries we are familiar with and creates opportunities for faith to take hold ...

Time. Einstein and Teilhard De Chardin
November 29, 2020

A conversation with Professor John Haught who is one of the foremost voices in the conversation between the sciences. We explore the theme of time, specifically the perspectives of Einstein and Teilhard De Chardin