Quick and Dirty History

Latest Episodes
Kill Shot 85
The final days of the Civil War...from Lincolns hard-fought reelection in 1864 to the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment and the surrender at Appomattox... sealing the fate of the Confederacy.
Total War 84
The American Civil War rages on, but Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant intend to end it...at any cost. "War is crueltythere is no use in trying to reform it...the crueler it is, the sooner it wil
Gettysburg 83
When the armies meet at Gettysburg during the American Civil War...it's carnage, and Abraham Lincoln has a few words to say about it too.
Thanksgiving 82
Who decided a bird gets presidential pass? Is it justice, or just plain fowl play? This turkey has better legal representation than you do! This is what Thanksgiving during the Civil War sounds lik
Emancipation Proclamation 81
The Emancipation Proclamation, it's the first big step toward ending slavery, but it was also a crucial move to keep Europe out of the American Civil War. Freeing slaves would shift the focus of the
Antietam 80
During the Civil War, more than 22,000 soldiers fell in the fields of Maryland in the single bloodiest day in American History. It's the Battle of Antietam.
Bull Run Part Two 79
The Second Battle of Bull Run kicks off with a demoted Union general, and a chance for the North to redeem themselves...spoiler alert, they don't.
Confiscation Act Part Two 78
The Confiscation Act gets bigger and badder...and George McClellan is still....mehhh.
Seven Days Battles 77
Robert E. Lee has a breakfast of champions...Hard Tack...and then comes out swinging in the Seven Days Battles of the Civil War.
Battle of Shiloh 76
In war, nobody wins...one side just loses more slowly. The bloodiest battle of not just the Civil War, but any American military engagement up to that point takes place in Pittsburgh Landing, Tenness