Queer Linguistics

Queer Linguistics

Latest Episodes

Interlude 2
July 20, 2017

Some updates regarding the podcast, as well as some useful resources. We should be returning to regular scheduling in the coming weeks! Queer Linguist(ic)s Network Non-Binary Linguistics Network Non-Binary Academics Network Twitter: @queer_ling...

May 15, 2017

This interlude episode is brought to you by Undergrad Finals: Suffering! We'll be back in two weeks with an extended-length episode on Polari.  Twitter: @queer_ling Tumblr: https://queerlinguistics.tumblr.com Email: queerlinguistics@gmail.com...

Grammatical Gender
May 01, 2017

Today we discuss the implications of Grammatical Gender for nonbinary and gender-neutral expression (and vice-versa). We'll look a little bit at lexical access, a little bit about proposals for language reform, and try to link the theory behind...

April 17, 2017

Where did They/Them/Theirs pronouns come from? Why do people have an issue with them? Why should we use them? All this and more in the first episode of the Queer Linguistics podcast! Twitter: @queer_ling Tumblr: https://queerlinguistics.tumblr.com...

April 15, 2017

Coming soon: The Queer Linguistics Podcast. Discussions, celebrations, and condemnations of linguistics as it pertains to the LGBTQ+ community.  Episode transcriptions are provided by Andrew Marsden, and are available on the Tumblr page....