Quarter with Christ 2.0

Latest Episodes
A Quarter with Christ 2.0, Episode 8 – “Raising the Bar”
Episode 8 - Ephesians 5:1-20, "Raising the Bar" In this episode, we will exam Paul's discussion on living a spirit-filled life. We will discuss three things that dull our spiritual senses.
A Quarter with Christ 2.0, Episode 7 – “All for One”
In this Episode, we will explore Ephesians 4:2-16 to discover Paul's thoughts on the necessary characteristics all believers must possess. We will also examine Paul's statements about Christ's gifts to the Church and what they mean for us.
A Quarter with Christ 2.0 – Episode 6 – “Accept Your Call!”
Episode 6 – Ephesians 4:1 - Accept your Call! In this episode, we will examine Paul’s challenge to the members of the Church at Ephesus to lead lives consistent with the calling God placed on them. One’s calling is synonymous with one’s gift(s) in thi...
A Quarter with Christ 2.0, Episode 5 – “Paul’s Prayers”
In this episode, we will examine Paul’s prayers for the Ephesian Church and his reasoning for them. We will also discuss his concluding comments in the chapter and why we consider them to be a doxology.
A Quarter with Christ 2.0, Episode 4 – “My Assignment”
In this episode, we will examine Ephesians 3:1-14 and discover what task God assigned Paul to work. We will also discover something very interesting about Paul's thought process beginning at Verse 2. Give a listen.
A Quarter with Christ 2.0, Episode 3 – “We Are One”
"We Are One" This episode explores Paul’s thought on the Gentiles’ place in the Church and what unites them with the Jews in their relationship with God. This episode also helps us to understand how we should view other believers.
A Quarter with Christ 2.0, Episode 2 – “Building on the Foundation”
Pastor John continues his study of Paul's letter to the Ephesians started in Episode 1. Continuing in Ephesians Chapter 1 and moving to Chapter 2, he discusses "building on the foundation."
A Quarter with Christ 2.0, Episode 1 – “Laying the Foundation”
Paul's Letter to the Ephesians - Ephesians 1:1-14, Laying the Foundation, Part 1
A Quarter with Christ 2.0 Podcast (Intro)
Don’t stop studying the Word just because Thursday night Bible Study is on summer break! Continue with CrossWork’s Bible Study podcast! Pastor John F. McCormick of CrossWork offers a 15-minute Bible Study for believers on the go.