

Latest Episodes

Ep. 33 | Mindset w/ Jess Durando
March 17, 2020

Jess Durando is a mindset/nutrition/lifestyle coach, prenatal coach, & a former therapist. The first half of the show is about mindset, fears, and advice surrounding the hysteria with the current Corona Virus epidemic. Second half we discuss...

Ep. 32 | Real Food For Pregnancy w/ Lily Nichols
February 20, 2020

Welcome to the show, Lily Nichols, who is the author of two amazing books: Real Food For Pregnancy & Real Food For Gestational Diabetes! She's a registered dietitian/nutritionist as well with tons of experience working with pregnant woman using...

Ep. 31 | Weight Loss VS Fat Loss W/ Kelly Collier
January 28, 2020

Everyone loved Kelly Collier (@willsquatforpizza) so much when she joined me on episode 3 so decided to bring her back for an episode packed with real talk about weight loss VS fat loss. We discuss why it's important to look at more than just...

Ep. 30 | From Conception Struggles To Twins W/ Molly Tillove
December 13, 2019

Welcome to the show Molly Tillove, the owner of a badass & inspiring company called Belle & Bell that creates workout apparel geared towards strong women. She also owns a men's apparel company called Iron Bell. And now she's a new mom of...

Ep. 29 | Hormonal Imbalances & Post Birth Control Syndrome
December 06, 2019

I sat down this week with Amanda from @hormonehealingrd to talk all about female hormones & all of the things that tend to get overlooked in society these days. Tune in for: - common hormonal imbalances - tips for testing hormones & talking to...

Ep. 28 | Scale Fluctuations w/ Tiana Tallant
November 26, 2019

My previous nutrition coach, Tiana Tallant, and I sat down to talk all about the silly piece of plastic that determines how so many of us feel about ourselves and our bodies...  aka the SCALE. We discuss why the scale fluctuates, other measures...

Ep. 27 | Optimizing Health For The Nurse or Shift-Worker w/ Katie Podralski
November 19, 2019

Calling all nurses, doctors, shift-workers, or just busy ass people... this one's for YOU. It's sad that those who work in the HEALTHcare field are often some of the unhealthiest individuals (inadequate sleep, poor diets relying on fast food/vending...

Ep. 26 | Stop Blaming CrossFit w/ Coach Breezy
November 11, 2019

Breezy and I sat down to discuss the new trend of anti-CrossFit that we've been seeing all over social media lately. This episode may feel a little fiery, but it comes straight from the heart. No filters. We are both passionate dedicated CrossFit...

Ep. 25 | Feature Friday: Her Best Health At Age 50
October 11, 2019

Feat. QLHN Client Cheryl Green

Ep. 24 | The 2020 CrossFit Open w/ Ben Dziwulski from WODPrep
October 04, 2019

Calling all CrossFitters (newbies, regulars, weekend warriors, competitors, etc.), this week is all about YOU and the upcoming CrossFit 2020 Open. The Open is the start of the CF Games season, but it's not just for games competitors. It brings...