QuadCity Podcast

QuadCity Podcast

Becoming Better | When Only The Stump Remains

October 01, 2024

Well, hey and welcome to the becoming better podcast. My name is Nate and I’m so glad you’re here. Well on today’s episode. Jason Josh and I sit down and we wrap up our marriage series. Cultivating a godly marriage now as a heads up just wanna let you know this is a longer episode, but we wanted to make sure we gave each of your questions enough time and thought as we answered them. So you might have to break this up into a couple of listens but we hope that you stick with us to the end. If you still have some questions and want to chat with a pastor I want to let you know our team is always available and willing to sit down with you and have a conversation. If you missed Sundays message then I would encourage you to stop here and listen to that as it will help make this conversation make more sense to you. Well with out further ado we hope you enjoy this message.