QuadCity Podcast

QuadCity Podcast

Becoming Better | Transformed Heart (Matthew 6)

August 06, 2024

Well hey, welcome to the Becoming Better Podcast here at QuadCity. I'm Josh, I'm the host for today's episode.

Myself, Jason, and a new guest to our podcast, Brad Greene who is new to our staff will be joining us as we talk about week one of our new series we just kicked off this past Sunday, "Transformed."

"Transformed" is all about the heart and Jesus' teaching around generosity and our heart. And it ties in with this journey that we've been on as a church through Excel. So we are at the midpoint of our journey and as Jason mentioned as he kicked off the sermon, last year was focused on what God wants to do through us, but this series for these four weeks are all looking in at what God wants to do IN us. How God wants to transform us, which all of us would say we want if we are disciples of Jesus, that we want to be better.

So as always if you haven't yet listened to the sermon this week, listen to that because it will help make sense and give more context around this conversation.

We are grateful each week that you all listen in and join with us, so here's this week's episode.