QuadCity Podcast

QuadCity Podcast

Becoming Better | The Early Church was PRO-LIFE (Matt. 22:37-40)

July 16, 2024

Well hey, welcome to another episode of the Becoming Better Podcast here at QuadCity Christian Church.

I'm Josh, I'm the host for this episode. And today's episode Ken and Jason will be joining in and we will be discussing the topic of abortion.

So we've been in a series here as a church looking at the things that made the first Christians, the first followers of Jesus distinct. And one of the distinctives is that they were fiercely pro life.

And so, as always, if you haven't heard Sunday's Message we think you should do so, it will help bring a lot of clarity to answer the questions you have and make sense of the questions we ask moving forward.

Just a heads up, this is a longer episode, because this is a conversation with a lot of nuance to it, and so we just ask that you hang in there with us and hopefully find some good pieces for you to have conversations with your neighbors and friends.

And lastly, if you or someone you know has gone through with an abortion and made that choice, and the emotions or the pain are just as real as the day they made that decision, we here as a staff want to come alongside and help pastor and shepherd. You can email any of us here on staff, or you can call and speak directly to us at our church, all of our contact info is at Quadcity.Church

You do not have to go through this alone.

So without further ado, here's today's podcast.