PZ's Podcast

PZ's Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 279 - The Ballad of Marianne and Paula
September 06, 2019

This podcast is a personal summons to out-of-bounds faith.

Episode 278 - Bonaparte's Retreat
July 29, 2019

Core truths of life are often suppressed, masked, covered over, hidden. But when the truth about anything, from ill-anchored relationships to cultural captivities to urban blight, comes out, "Some People" (Belois Some,1985) become threatened. And more tha

Episode 277 - Running a Losing Race
July 24, 2019

The secret of wisdom, as you get older, would be to bring a perspective that embodies an accurate disillusionment with false hopes and inevitably disappointing projects while at the same offering hope in "the things that remain". To do that -- to portray

Episode 276 - Widow's Pique
July 08, 2019

This particular cast concerns widowhood. Accurate statistics tell us that when you look out from the pulpit at your congregation, at least in most "main-line" churches, the number of widows likely to be present far outnumbers the number of widowers. And

Episode 275 - How, Exactly, Does Love Come Down?
June 24, 2019

We all want to know, when we are down -- I mean, when we are _really_ down -- where we can turn for help. "Where Do I Go" ('Hair', 1969), when I have nowhere else to go? Specifically, where do I go to find God? Or rather, where is God located that I might

Episode 274 - Tyrone Davis and the Future of Mankind
May 28, 2019

People who come to church for the first time -- and most of us, probably -- are looking for relief from personal pain. We come to God -- when we really come to Him -- for relief and help in the now! This is an empirical fact from experience.

Episode 273 - The Treasure
May 16, 2019

Only one or two relationships that you have had will be on your mind at the end. It will be a person, not a thing; an intimate connection, not an idea or "narrative".

Episode 272 - The Bell That Couldn't Jingle
May 07, 2019

A short witness of a counter-intuitive Word received in church the other day; and an even more counter-intuitive "Word" from the world of pop music, which came crashing through my windshield on the way home from church.

Episode 271 - Lazy Susan
April 19, 2019

Imputation is the prime "agent" within the great dynamic of the Grace of God. In this cast, I try to explain how imputation works in life, concluding with reference to Taylor Caldwell's 1960 novel entitled "The Listener."

Episode 270 - You Little Trustmaker
April 01, 2019

This podcast is in fact a reflection on love and trust, on love enacted as well as love sworn. I hope it will open a door on your own loves, let alone on your own isolation (when you feel it) -- a door on Love as it really is.