PZ's Podcast

PZ's Podcast

Episode 285 - Listen to the Music

November 14, 2019

There is so much talk just now about the decline of Christianity in this country. But try to listen to the right music on that score. Or rather, the more accurate music!

The fact is, young people and young families are flocking to churches where the Gospel is preached. From Charlottesville to Lower Manhattan to Bedford to Waco to Louisville to Winter Park to Rice to Bradford to "Baltimore and D.C. now (Don't forget the Motor City)" (Martha & The Vandellas, 1964)) to ... well, you fill in the blank: people are coming to church where mercy is offered, hope is proffered, and defeated persons succored. And it's not just "Back Row America". The Offer's being made everywhere.

And a further point. The poll takers of church attrition are not talking very much to Hispanic and other immigrant communities. The Hispanic pentecostal churches are thriving. I mean, booming! Go to Bridgeport. Go to The Bronx. Go to Orlando, near the Airport. Visit Guillermo Maldonado's church in Miami. Go to ... well, again, you fill in the blank. There are not many white hairs (like mine) in those churches.

So Listen to the Music. The music that's in tune, that is; the music that's on key and with the beat. The music you can dance to. And if 'Heinz' were looking for a church today -- hear the cast's closing track -- I think I know where he'd go. LUV YOU!