PZ's Podcast

PZ's Podcast

Episode 216 – Cook’d Book

May 06, 2016

The text is from a leading Presidential candidate, but it applies to two of them — two persons who are ideologically apart but have one main thing in common.
That main thing is:
They are exposing the Cook’d Book of life,
which is designed — “Signed, Sealed and Delivered” (S. Wonder) — to
sign, seal and deliver YOU over to utter captivity and soullessness.
The New Testament is not a world-affirming document.
On the contrary, it pits the human being against the world. Or rather,
it posits the world as being against us. Our task, an impossible one without Help — “Help!” – The Beatles, 1965 — is to dodge the world. Kerouac wrote that we are born into this world in order to be saved from it.
The Cook’d Book of the world is not only true of political parties. It is true of institutions generally, job environments generally, schools and universities generally (which is why youth is eternally looking for the ‘Mr. Chips’-type altruist — one in a million), you name it. (N.B. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGAV8wvYdVI)
I’m glad that Bernie and the other one are cutting to the nerve. Je repete:
this is not about ideology, it’s about control. And this world’s control is not — I repeat, not — designed to enable and deliver. It is designed to suppress and captivate.