Put Some Pressure on IT!!!!

Put Some Pressure on IT!!!!

In the thick of IT!!!!

June 07, 2017

Join Fred Katz and David Baca as we continue to discuss the continuing negotiations between ARRMC and the Oregon Nurses Association.

We have made it through 5 of the scheduled 8 negotiation sessions and are still continuing to negotiate on several different articles.

Currently, the hospitals financial proposal stands at 1 percent of a total raise (not including steps) with a re-opener clause for years 2 and 3 of the contract.

The ONA proposal stands at 4 percent annually over the next 3 years.

Open articles include ETO, Break Nurses, EST, Staff Meetings, and much more.

Next Session is Wednesday June 13th Homewood Inn Suites 0900-1700

1) Payor mix changes have decreased revenue. Volume has increased. However expenditure have increased because of premiums (ASI,CNI) and travelers.

2) Hospital margins across the state have been shrinking across the state.
article @ http://www.mailtribune.com/news/20170408/hospital-margins-shrink-in-2016