
Latest Episodes
Purrcast 43 B Lamiuex
B Lamiuex is another one of Purrcast’s cat sitting featured feline’s. B is the house cat for Annie Howe Paper Cuts.
Purrcast 42 Shyhead (Now Lou the Dude)
Shyhead came from a feral cat colony where he was kicked out for biting the care takers chihuahua. He knows life is good and purrs loud enough to show how happy he is with his current position in life. He is also the sweetest tomcat.
Purrcast 41 Pig
Purrcast, back again Check it to wreck it, let’s begin Piglet purring on, let’s hear some purrs.
Purrcast 40 Zafron
Zafron is a foster from BARCS Baltimore Animal Rescue & Care Shelter. He is all long legs and love. Purrcast is all purring and love. Please say hi and tell us about your cat’s purr on Twitter and support the podcast at patreon.
Purrcast 39 Gabby
Gabby was adopted the day after Thanksgiving and is loving her new home. This recording is from back in the fall and you can hear squirrels in the background yelling at her as she watches out the window. Purrcast is supported by Patreon donations at pa...
Purrcast 38 Windup
From Windup’s mom: “A year ago today I went to play Exploding Kittens at a game night with friends, and wound up playing a real life green card. Now Carrietta and I cannot imagine our lives without this funny, goofy, beautiful little creature.
Purrcast 37 Butterscotch
We picked Butterscotch as a foster because he had an upper respiratory infection and looked miserable. As soon as he got home he was so full of love he couldn’t walk straight. You can hear in his purr a little trill from the congestion.
Purrcast 36 Gabby
Gabby is our featured foster cat looking for a new home. http://baltimoreanimalshelter.org/
Purrcast 34 Piglet
Quite simply our cat pig, purring. Thank you for listening to Purrcast.