

Purrcast 33 Bernadette

January 18, 2016

This is Purrcast number 33 with special foster guest Bernadette.
Bernadette is a calico lady who wants to sit next to you and just hang out. You can skritch her head and sometimes pet her, sometimes not. When she says no she says it with a polite firmness and a little thank you lick on your hand.
In other Purrcast news, Prime Minster Vindaloo; Piglets DC brother from another mother is going for surgery to correct the dreaded condition: Megacolon.
If you can please help with some foreign aid at Mister Vindaloo’s GoFundMe. Purrcast hopes to have Vinnie on soon as a guest purrer and to ask his news agency Felines of DC if he is in fact a Minister that has no positive divisors other than one and himself and if he was a composite before being neutered.
Thank you for listening to Purrcast.