Pure Bliss

Pure Bliss

Latest Episodes

Pure Bliss 003 – Sex and Love in the Raw w/Zev Halpern
January 21, 2017

Zev Halpern helps couples who are committed to their marriages but caught in a routine. Zev works with couples to create unique tools which soothe and reduce conflict in their relationship; clearing the way to a mutually fulfilling marriage.

Pure Bliss 002 – Soar into Bliss w/Mali Phonpadith
January 15, 2017

Mali Phonpadith is the Founder/CEO of the SOAR Community Network, author, speaker, marketing strategist, podcaster and the Executive Producer of Tea with Mali Cable TV Show. In 2016, the SOAR Community Network became an official Ambassador for the Rise...

Pure Bliss 001 – Life is a Marathon w/Bruce Van Horn
January 11, 2017

When I think of fortitude, kindness, and love, Bruce Van Horn comes to mind. After several challenges and tragedies - including two bankruptcies and the death of his daughter, he hit rock-bottom and was considering suicide. Today,
