Pure Life Podcast

Pure Life Podcast

Episode 41: Skin Nourishment and Piña Coladas

June 29, 2020

Pura Vida and welcome to our latest episode – Episode 41: Skin Nourishment and Piña Coloadas! We kick off this weeks episode with our “drink of the week” – the perfect piña colada cocktail. With summer right around the corner, beach vacations and tropical settings dominate our thoughts. Well . . . the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic means travel to the beach isn’t likely anytime soon. So, let’s bring the beach to us with a perfect piña coloada cocktail. This satisfyingly refreshing recipe is sure to csetting the perfect tone for a relaxing shelter-in-place stay-cation! Be sure to check out our latest blog for step-by-step instructions!

Next, we start a discussion on some new nourishing skin care products we’ve been researching lately. With the current pause in travel, it’s a perfect time to do some much needed research and one of our focus areas has been skin care. With such a dizzying array of products to choose from, it’s hard to know what just works and what is all hype. We break down some recent all-natural skin care discoveries from Drunk Elephant, Ursa Major and CeraVe, giving an honest assessment of our top picks from these amazing brands. Enjoy!
