Pure Life Podcast

Pure Life Podcast

Episode 12: Kumamoto, Japan

March 26, 2019

We took a week off to catch our breath but are back this week with a quick stop over in the Kumamoto prefecture. Kumamoto is located in the center of Kyushu along the western coast. Among the attractions of Kumamoto are Mount Aso, one of the largest active volcanoes in the world, Kumamoto Castle in the capital city of Kumamoto, and Kurokawa Onsen (or hot spring baths).

Our adventures took us through Kumamoto twice; once to visit Mt. Aso and Kurokawa, and another trip to visit Kumamoto castle. Highly recommend Kurokawa – such an amazing town with charming ryokan inns in a delightfully natural setting. Definitely a must stop to experience traditional Japanese hospitality and rejuvinate your spirit. Next we stopped over in Kumamoto city for a quick visit to the castle. Unfortunately, the castle was damaged by two powerful earthquakes in 2016 so the inner grounds are closed to the public but you can still walk around the outside of the castle to get an idea of the sheer size of the complex as well as view the restoration in progress. In addition, the shops at the entrance to the castle offer a great spot to get some refreshments or souvenirs. Enjoy!