With You in the NICU

Ep. 16 - Technology to connect parents and infants: With You In the NICU Episode Sixteen
Technology is playing an ever-increasing role in our daily lives, including the lives of infant patients in neonatal intensive care units and their parents. Units around the world are introducing webcam technology - NICView cameras - that allows parents to see their children at any time. One such unit is the Stollery Children's Hospital in Edmonton, Alberta, where Dr. Jennifer Toye works. Dr. Toye is a neonatologist, as well as a board member of the Canadian Premature Babies Foundation. On this episode of With You in the NICU, she shares her thoughts on how the technology works in her unit and how it impacts both families and healthcare providers.
With You in the NICU is a podcast for those that care for infants in a neonatal intensive care unit. The discussions are geared toward parents of preemies, but will resonate with anyone spending time beside a NICU isolette. With You in the NICU is a project of the Canadian Premature Babies Foundation, with funding from presenting sponsor Medela and support from AbbVie and Prolacta. The podcast's host and producer is Jenna Morton; technical producer is Tosh Taylor.