Public Speaking with David Murray

Public Speaking with David Murray

Latest Episodes

Elevating your public speaking skills by stepping out of your comfort zone – 119
September 13, 2023

Elevate your public speaking skills by stepping out of your comfort zone. Public speaking is like any other skill, the more you do it, the better you will become at it. - And wherever you are on your

Five steps to public speaking success – Step five – 118
August 29, 2023

Welcome to my 5 Steps to public speaking success programme series. - The 5 Steps to Public Speaking Success online programme is available to buy now. Find out more by visiting:

Client Question – What helps to calm your nerves before speaking? – 117
August 16, 2023

Have you ever stopped to think about what success looks like to you? - This is a question I always ask my clients. - Whether developing their confident communication skills to deliver presentations, g

Top tips for running effective meetings – 116
August 01, 2023

How many meetings have you organised, or participated in where you see people who arent engaged? - And theyre being distracted by their laptops or phones! Its almost as if they arent even in the m

Five steps to public speaking success – Step four – 115
July 18, 2023

Welcome to my 5 Steps to public speaking success programme series. - The 5 Steps to Public Speaking Success online programme is available to buy now. Find out more by visiting:

Using feedback to elevate your public speaking skills – 114
July 04, 2023

Elevate your public speaking skills by asking for and receiving feedback. - Public speaking is like any other skill, the more you do it, the better you will become at it. - This means your talks and p

Telling memorable stories – 113
June 20, 2023

If you're a regular listen to this show, you will already be aware that stories are an important ingredient of confident communication. - When sharing stories within your talks and presentations, ther

Five steps to public speaking success – Step three – 112
June 06, 2023

Welcome to my 5 Steps to public speaking success programme series. - The 5 Steps to Public Speaking Success online programme is available to buy now. Find out more by visiting:

Dealing with last minute nerves before speaking in public – 111
May 23, 2023

Before presenting at work, sharing a talk on stage or communicating an important message, its natural to feel nervous. - However, if we allow our nerves to go unchecked, they can build up and lead to

How to add humour to your talks and presentations without being a comedian – 110
May 09, 2023

Adding humour into your talks and presentations is a great way to bring attention to the point you are making. And helps your listeners to better remember it. - Andif you're feeling anxious,adding a