Public Speaking with David Murray

Public Speaking with David Murray

In focus! Top tips for running effective meetings – 080

November 02, 2021

How many meetings have you organised, or participated in where you see people who aren’t engaged?
And they’re being distracted by their laptops or phones!

It’s almost as if they aren’t even in the meeting.
Even though you can see them, right there… sat on the chair.
Distracted by whatever is on their laptop or phone screen.

How many meetings have you been in that start late and end even later?
Or didn’t feel it was worthwhile, and you will never get that time back, will you!

Imagine how much time and money your business wastes each year,
by having meetings that aren’t worthwhile, attended by people who aren’t engaged?

But what can you do about it?

Well, if you ever need to run or attend meetings in your day to day job, today’s podcast is for you, because

In today’s episode I'm speaking with an emotional intelligence expert who shares her top tips for running effective meetings.

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