Public Speaking with David Murray

Public Speaking with David Murray

Let’s speak! with Cornelia Fernandes: why public speaking is important for your business – 016

August 07, 2018

Allow me to introduce you to this week's guest Cornelia Fernandes. Cornelia is an entrepreneur who uses public speaking to effectively promote her business.

She shares her insight into the importance of public speaking for both business and personal development. Her advice to anyone thinking about developing their speaking skills to promote their business is..."Just do it!"

If you would like to find out more about Cornelia and the work she does, you can connect with her at
In the next episode I will be sharing my strategy for starting your speeches and presentations so that people want to hear what you have to say.
If you would like to discover more public speaking tips and techniques to become a confident speaker don't forget to subscribe to this public speaking coaching podcast. If you would like to find out more you can get in touch with David at