Public Speaking with David Murray

Public Speaking with David Murray

How you can remove your “erms” and “ums” when public speaking – 007

May 11, 2018

Have you ever noticed how speakers can sometimes use 'Filler Words' like "ers" and "ums"?  Or perhaps you have used them yourself when delivering a speech or presentation?

They are likely to appear whilst speaking when we are thinking of what to say next or trying to decide between alternative ways of expressing a point. They essentially fill the gaps in our speech whilst we are pondering our next words.

In this episode you will learn how simply using a PAUSE can help remove those "ers" and "ums" with ease.

In the next episode I will be sharing a technique on what to do when you are delivering a speech and you forget what you wanted to say next.

If you would like to discover more public speaking tips and techniques to become a better public speaker don’t forget to subscribe to this public speaking coaching podcast.

If you would like to find out more you can get in touch with David at