PT Pintcast - Physical Therapy

PT Pintcast - Physical Therapy

The Future of Remote Therapeutic Monitoring: Insights from SaRA Health

October 12, 2024

Join Jimmy McKay and Tony Maritato as they interview leaders from Sarah Health at the APTA’s Private Practice Section (PPS) Conference 2024! They dive into the emerging world of Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM) and how this technology is reshaping the physical therapy landscape.

Hear from SaRA Health’s experts on how their platform is boosting patient engagement between visits, improving outcomes, and streamlining billing processes. They also discuss the future of healthcare technology and offer insights on how PT clinics can stay ahead of the curve.

Tune in for:

  • Practical tips for integrating RTM in your practice
  • The impact of AI on PT business management
  • The differences between PPS and CSM for physical therapists
  • Real-world examples of improving clinic revenue with RTM