PT Pintcast - Physical Therapy

PT Pintcast - Physical Therapy

Marketing Lessons You Must Learn: Pivot or Perish

September 13, 2024

Jimmy McKay is joined by Tony Maritato and Dave Kittle to discuss the essential need for physical therapists to pivot and adapt in an ever-evolving healthcare landscape. Inspired by the rise of Ozempic and Weight Watchers' massive industry shift, the trio explores how PTs can embrace innovation, rethink marketing, and develop creative strategies to stay relevant and successful.

They get into the parallels between the weight-loss industry's pivot and what physical therapy professionals need to do in response to declining referrals and reimbursement changes. With practical insights on how to innovate through personalized programs and creative outreach, this episode is packed with actionable ideas.

Key Points Discussed:

The impact of Ozempic and Weight Watchers' pivot on the healthcare industry and how it parallels challenges in physical therapy.

Why physical therapists need to adapt or risk extinction in a rapidly changing market.

Creative marketing tactics like lumpy mail and direct mail campaigns to engage patients.

The importance of problem-solving over just protecting the "physical therapy" title.

Future of PT: Leveraging technology and collaborations with physicians for innovative programs.

Special Guests:

Tony Maritato,

Dave Kittle, PT