The P.T. Entrepreneur Podcast

The P.T. Entrepreneur Podcast

Ep643 | How To Build A Rock Solid Reputation

September 21, 2023

In this podcast episode, we dive into the crucial topic of doing the right thing in business. We explore the psychological concept of reciprocity, where individuals feel a compelling obligation to return a favor when someone does something for them. Surprisingly, the return can even outweigh the initial favor. To illustrate this, we share a real-life example of how buying someone lunch can lead to their help in moving heavy objects.

We emphasize the significance of reputation in the business world, highlighting how it can be rapidly influenced by our actions, both positively and negatively. Particularly for new business owners, who have the advantage of having all decisions go through them, doing the right thing for all customers is paramount. By consistently acting with integrity, a strong and positive reputation can be built in the long run. Furthermore, it is crucial to identify the right customers for the business and, if necessary, refer others to specialists. It is important not to charge customers for office visits if they are not the right fit and would be better served by seeking assistance elsewhere.

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