The Pete Scalia #PSNeverGiveUp Podcast

The Pete Scalia #PSneverGiveUp Podcast Episode 04: John Lawson – Part One
John Lawson’s story is nothing short of incredible. The actor, writer, director, producer, musician, and father is also a double-amputee – and a champion for actors with disabilities. John and I go way back. In fact, he’s the first person I thought of when I came up with the idea of PSNeverGiveUp.
Like any good comedy/tragedy, John’s story has multiple acts. As a result, I’ve split our conversation into two parts. In Part One, John shares how he went from a promising professional musician to losing both of his hands – and just some of the incredible things he’s accomplished since then. This is Part One of our conversation – the first episode of the podcast recorded LIVE in the studio at Felitto Media.