

009: The Big Move

June 09, 2015

There are moments in everyone's life where something big appears on the horizon; it could be graduating college, applying for your first job, or moving somewhere thousands of miles away from home. How do these moments shape our identities and the struggle to achieve our dreams? On this episode, we talk about moving to a new city in hopes of finding where we really belong.

In This Episode…

The Update

  • Bernard's breaking news (0:28)
  • Let's talk about Miami (1:40)

New York City

  • Is there an allure to New York? (5:33)
  • Sidney talks about his experience with living in New York (6:18)
  • As Bernard is closing one chapter of his life in Miami, where does he think he'll belong with impending change? Will this change who he is? (9:50)

Home Is Where Your Timeline Is

  • Social media has connected us 24/7 to our friends and family; is it enough to compensate for the lack of real life relationships? (12:40)
  • Sidney talks about social media and our desire to connect with other people in real life (14:00)
  • The microcosm of NYC's social media presence and FOMO (16:55)

What's Next? Advice Going Forward

  • Bernard talks about improving and capitalizing on new opportunities (17:50)
  • The ruthlessness of NYC (19:27)
  • Bernard gives himself advice to look back on later on in life (22:31)
  • Final thoughts about moving to New York (25:23)

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Theme Music by Gila Monsta