Protecting the Past 3: Documentation as a Tool for Heritage Protection

Protecting the Past 3: Documentation as a Tool for Heritage Protection

Latest Episodes

Le rôle de l'Institut National du Patrimoine dans la lutte contre le trafic illicite des biens culturels: situation actuelle et défis
December 19, 2017

Yasser Jrad (INP) gives their presentation in the third panel of the conference; The challenges and opportunitie

La Carte Nationale Informatisée des Sites Archéologiques et des Monuments Historiques : Un projet stratégique
December 19, 2017

Naouel Selmi (INP) gives a talk for the third panel of the conference. The challenges and opportunities for protecting the past in Tunisia. English title; The National Computerized Map of Archaeological Sites and Historical Monuments: A Strategic Project

Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa
December 19, 2017

Robert Bewley (Director, EAMENA) gives a speech in the second panel of the conference: Setting the scene.

ICCROM's contribution to the safeguarding of endangered cultural heritage in the Arab region
December 19, 2017

Zaki Aslan (Director, ICCROM-ATHAR Regional Conservation Centre in Sharjah) gives a talk in the second panel of the conference: Setting the Scene.

The aims of Protecting the Past
December 19, 2017

Andrea Zerbini (Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa, EAMENA) gives a brief introduction on the aims of Protecting the Past.

Keynote speech: Nada Hosking (Director of Programs and Partnerships, Global Heritage Fund, GHF)
December 19, 2017

Nada Hosking (Director of Programs and Partnerships, Global Heritage Fund, GHF), gives the second keynote speech of the conference.