Protecting the Past 3: Documentation as a Tool for Heritage Protection
Latest Episodes
Le rôle de l'Institut National du Patrimoine dans la lutte contre le trafic illicite des biens culturels: situation actuelle et défis
Yasser Jrad (INP) gives their presentation in the third panel of the conference; The challenges and opportunitie
La Carte Nationale Informatisée des Sites Archéologiques et des Monuments Historiques : Un projet stratégique
Naouel Selmi (INP) gives a talk for the third panel of the conference. The challenges and opportunities for protecting the past in Tunisia. English title; The National Computerized Map of Archaeological Sites and Historical Monuments: A Strategic Project
Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa
Robert Bewley (Director, EAMENA) gives a speech in the second panel of the conference: Setting the scene.
ICCROM's contribution to the safeguarding of endangered cultural heritage in the Arab region
Zaki Aslan (Director, ICCROM-ATHAR Regional Conservation Centre in Sharjah) gives a talk in the second panel of the conference: Setting the Scene.
The aims of Protecting the Past
Andrea Zerbini (Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa, EAMENA) gives a brief introduction on the aims of Protecting the Past.
Keynote speech: Nada Hosking (Director of Programs and Partnerships, Global Heritage Fund, GHF)
Nada Hosking (Director of Programs and Partnerships, Global Heritage Fund, GHF), gives the second keynote speech of the conference.