PROPS Podcast

PROPS Podcast

PROPS Public Safety 020: How can non-profit organizations plan their operations proactively and support public safety departments?

May 29, 2023
What actions must non-profit organizations plan when supporting public safety teams?

Welcome to PROPS Public Safety podcast. A podcast where we answer questions related to public safety pressing issues, concerns, latest news and provide our insights from our learnings and collaborations with experienced professionals in the public safety team.


On today’s show, hosts John and Mike discuss the question we received from Neil, who is a volunteering at a non-profit organization that are working in the public safety domain about planning and operating public safety programs by non-profit organizations that helps them remain relevant.


Thanks for the question Neil. John and Mike delve into the many aspects that non-profits and volunteers need to keep in mind when planning their operations. We talk about regulations, failure points that can hurt non-profits financially and operationally and ways teams can mitigate these risks. We also speak about how non-profits and volunteers at non-profits can build trust with local public safety departments and how non-profits can stay relevant in the space. Lastly John and Mike also touch upon the key aspect of training and planning their programs that can effectively set them up for success.


Tune in today to learn about about this technology and how it can have implications in the drone industry !!


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[00:58] Today’s question on precautions for volunteering public safety teams to consider when planning public safety missions
[02:26] Understanding the state legislation to decide on equipment purchase
[03:40] What failure points can public safety teams expect when planning missions and projects in the public safety

[07:19] Developing trust in the public safety domain and what volunteering organizations can do to support local public safety departments

[08:40] How volunteering organizations can remain relevant for public safety missions and projects

[10:57] Training and other aspects that volunteering organizations can do to keep themselves ready for operations