PROPS Podcast

PROPS Podcast

PROPS Public Safety 008: How can pilots fly safely during the different seasons?

October 22, 2022
How do flight operations change with changing seasons? How can drone pilots keep prepare to perform safe flight operations?

Welcome to PROPS Public Safety podcast. A podcast where we answer questions related to public safety pressing issues, concerns, latest news and provide our insights from our learnings and collaborations with experienced professionals in the public safety team.


Today’s question is about changing seasons and how they can impact drone flight operations and how can drone pilots be prepared for conducting public safety flights in different seasons.


On today’s show John and Mike address common issues encountered while performing drone flights in different seasons. We talk about how pilots can be prepared and essentials to carry during such flights. We talk about gear pilots need to carry for themselves, in their backup and on their drone. These range from warmers on pilots and warmers during winter to having preset setting for flights in fall.


John and Mike specifically cover each season in detail going over all relevant checks and controls for flights.


Whether you are a seasoned public safety pilot or getting into the world of public safety, Tune in for all the details !!


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[0:25] Today’s show on how weather can influence public safety flights

[02:04] Weather and gear required for different seasons
[02:55] Transitioning from summer to winter and how gear requirement changes for carrying out safe flights
[05:02] Managing batteries during winter seasons and keeping batteries warm
[10:10] What are the minimal temperatures at which you can fly your drone?
[12:13] John and Mike advise flight time when flying your drone in colder temperature?

[15:25] The settings to change during season changes

[17:15] Flying your drone in the fall season and top precautions to consider

[20:39] The importance of having a season pre flight and post flight checklist