Prophetic Politics

Prophetic Politics

Latest Episodes

Season 3 Episode 11: Q+A Part II
September 14, 2020

We're back! You all had more questions than we could handle in one episode so we did a second.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

S3 Episode 10: Q+A! Part 1
August 24, 2020

We Answer Questions from our Listeners

S3 Episode 9: Why Are We the Way that We Are?
August 17, 2020

Nick and Ben Give their Political Biographies

S3 Episode 8: Biblical Justice
August 10, 2020

What it is and How it Relates to Secular Justice Theories

S3 Episode 7: Confederate Statues and How We Understand History
August 03, 2020

Thabiti, Nick, and Ben discuss the tearing down of monuments and how we understand the good and the bad in historical figures.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

S3 Episode 6: The Supreme Court Part 2
July 27, 2020

In which we pretend to be constitutional scholars

S3 Episode 5: The Supreme Court
July 06, 2020

Why is it such a point of contention?

S3 Episode 4: Religious Liberty
June 29, 2020

What it is and why it matters

S3 Episode 3: Syncretism and Political Religion
June 22, 2020

Thinking Through our Earthly and Heavenly Citizenship

S3 Episode 2: COVID-19 and its Challenges
June 15, 2020

The Political and Policy Problems of a Pandemic