The Voice of the Prophet

The Voice of the Prophet


September 14, 2021

The Haftarah portion for Ha'azinu (II Sam. 22:1-51) narrated in English by Ronald Guttman.
Questions for Discussion:
In praising God for saving him, David sees his salvation as a reward for his own righteousness. In times of difficulty, we often feel unfairly wronged, and question whether indeed there is justice in the world. But when we prosper or have been spared or vindicated, we often attribute our success or victory to our own merit.
• How do we keep a genuine sense of vindication and justice having prevailed from sliding into self-righteousness and self-congratulation?
• What role does gratitude and prayer have in modulating our natural inclination to take sole credit for our victories?

JTS wishes to acknowledge the generosity of the Jewish Publication Society for allowing us to use their translation.