The Voice of the Prophet

The Voice of the Prophet

Shabbat Hagadol

March 20, 2018

The Haftarah portion for Shabbat Hagadol (Mal. 3:4-24) narrated in English by Ronald Guttman.
Questions for Discussion:
The haftarah opens with a list of behaviors that God identifies as incompatible with genuine awe or fear of God: magical thinking (sorcery), adultery, swearing falsely, underpayment or nonpayment of workers, and mistreatment of the vulnerable—exemplified by the widow, orphan and stranger.
• When you think of “God-fearing” piety or lack thereof, is this what you picture?
The haftarah closes with a call for parents to reconcile with children and children to reconcile with parents as a necessary forerunner to redemption.
• Why is intergenerational learning and reconciliation so important?
• What are the challenges to intergenerational understanding and respect in our day?
• What causes us to undervalue the potential contributions and insights of both older and younger generations?
JTS wishes to acknowledge the generosity of the Jewish Publication Society for allowing us to use their translation.