The propertyCEO Podcast

Latest Episodes
Understanding Development Stages (PCEO310)
“Understanding the language of property development stages” - Property development is a process that follows a well-trodden path, from the initial concept right through to project completion. But what’s the batting order and exactly what is involved a...
Ritchie’s Stripping Secrets (PCEO309)
“Getting the lowdown on strip outs” - In this worryingly named episode, Ritchie exposes us to his impressive expertise in the important area of stripping out a development site. - Stripping out a building can throw up both problems and also opportuni...
Lean Startup Learnings (PCEO308)
“What we can all learn from Silicon Valley” - Lean Startup is more than a book or a concept; over the last few years it’s become a movement, embraced by both new start-ups and established corporates alike.
What Makes A Good Developer (PCEO307)
“Avoiding the common development pitfalls” - Over the last 30+ years Ritchie Clapson has worked with every type of developer, from those just starting out on their development career to those with decades of experience.
Making First Impressions Count (PCEO306)
“Getting off to the right start” - You only get one chance to make a first impression and for many people, their business card is one of the first things people see. No matter how well you come across face-to-face,
Why Use An Interior Designer? (PCEO305)
“How interior design can add thousands to your bottom line” - Many property people including developers or landlords make the mistake of viewing interior design as an unnecessary expense. After all, as long as the design isn’t offensive,
Managing Risk (PCEO304)
“De-risking your property deals” - All property development carries risk; after all without risk, there’s no reward. And development is a great way of making some serious profits. But how can you protect yourself against the downside as much as possib...
How To Get Credibility In Property (PCEO303)
“Making sure you look the part” - As someone who’s either new to property development or may be thinking about getting into it, how can you get the credibility you need to be taken seriously? After all, if you’ve got no previous experience,
Setting Up Your Property Business (PCEO0302)
“Getting it right from the start” - Many people jump in to property projects with enthusiasm and can’t wait to get their deals moving forward. But according to Ray Khan, property entrepreneur, tax and business advisor and founder of leading accountanc...
5 Essential Mindset Tools (PCEO0301)
“Focusing on what really makes a difference” - The world is full of personal development advice, tools, books and courses. It would take more than a lifetime to research them all. So how do you work out what works? -