The propertyCEO Podcast

Wisebites #1 (PCEO401)
“Sharing words of wisdom”
Not all popular ideas are particularly wise, but sometimes you come across a concept that just makes so much sense you can’t believe it’s not common knowledge.
Ian has spent more time than he cares to remember studying personal development, and whilst he’s seen his fair share of concepts that don’t exactly fall into the wisdom category, there have also been quite a few ideas that caused a light bulb moment. In this episode he shares three of his favourites.
We reveal Ian’s worryingly fraudulent fitness secret and we also go some way to explaining why you’ve never seen Ritchie Clapson and Mo Farah in the same room.
The propertyCEO Podcast gives you an inside track in the world of property for investors and developers, both new and experienced. Your two hugely experienced hosts discuss a wide range of subjects, while usually managing to disagree about something. A highly relevant yet often irreverent look at the world of property from many different perspectives, the propertyCEO Podcast is your one stop shop for tips, anecdotes, and highly useable property and business information.
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Hosts: Ian Child and Ritchie Clapson
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