PropaneFitness Podcast
24 training hacks to transform your body (for less than £100)
[00:00:00] Introduction and overview of training hacks[00:00:21] Importance of weightlifting and link to free program[00:01:13] Hack #1: Give yourself permission to go through the motions and limit weight lifted[00:02:03] Hack #2: Use wifi scales to track weight and eliminate friction[00:02:51] Hack #3: Evidence-based tips for dealing with Doms[00:03:26] Hack #4: Get a pair of para lats for versatility and upper body mass[00:03:44] Hack #5: Go for a quick walk upon waking up
[00:04:00] Hack #6: Go for a quick walk upon waking up[00:04:16] Quick gym hack for taking plates off the bar[00:04:58] Hack #7: Use a simple single cue for exercises[00:05:35] Hack #8: Tozo NC2 earphones for noise canceling[00:06:18] Hack #9: Utilize Apple Health or for personal data tracking[00:07:19] Hack #10: Learn to use your glutes during accessory movements
[00:07:17] Hack #10: Learn to use your glutes during accessory movements[00:07:38] Hack #11: Quick posture fix with underhand band pull apart[00:08:04] Hack #12: Use rest periods for pre-hab or stretching[00:08:26] Hack #13: Use a physical analog timer for productivity[00:08:53] Hack #14: Get a pull-up bar for posture improvement[00:09:12] Hack #15: Use Dr. Eric Goodman's Foundation series for back pain[00:10:39] Hack #16: Use the wobbly sausage for elbow problems[00:11:59] Hack #17: Use the HeavySet app for tracking total volume in training[00:12:39] Hack #18: Prep gym stuff the night before to minimize friction[00:13:54] Hack #19: Consider infrared sauna and red light box for physique improvement
[00:13:52] Hack #20: Set a goal to hit your age in number of reps of bench press[00:14:11] Hack #21: Use a dumbbell in one hand for split squats to improve focus[00:14:33] Hack #22: Try chest supported rows for a great back workout[00:15:15] Hack #23: Try the one-arm cable variant of the chest supported row if your gym doesn't have a pull-down machine