proof of my existence

proof of my existence

#5: Opinions are like, Assholes - proof of my existence

November 16, 2015

This month of November has been about Opinions. How they are expressed, and reactions to them in the media and social media.
Mizzou, Black Lives Matter, Pray for Paris, Pray for Kenya, Beirut, and Patty Labelle’s Sweet Potato Pies. How you got time to pray when you’re making memes?
Everyone thinks their opinion is important. and that everyone else’s isn’t.
Try to do something to make your surroundings better than you found them. Build each other up instead of tearing down.
Five Things to be thankful for this week:
Missy Elliott’s WTF
SNL’s The Adventures of Young Ben Carson
A Tribe Called Quest reuniting on Fallon to commemorate the 25th anniversary of their first album dropping
This Weeks Episode of Black-ish
Master of None
Lifehacks: Google Cardboard and Waze
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