Promise No Promises!

THE TALE AND THE TONGUE. Every Gesture Counts, However Small – Karolina Grzywnowicz
EVERY GESTURE COUNTS, HOWEVER SMALL, is the 20th episode of the “Tale and the Tongue” podcast series. Full of intimate moments, Sonia Fernández Pan exchanged thoughts over months with Karolina Grzywnowicz, talking about plants, migration, activism and much more.
“Dear Karolina,
The cuttings of the plants you gave me are taking root in water. I put them on a windowsill so that they are closer to the sun. It is quite telling that plants, which apparently don't move from their place, make you travel so much. But as you say, plants are not as native as they appear to be in many places. How a landscape can be a crime scene and a place full of concealed violence, to borrow your words, reminds me of how the forests of my childhood did not exist in my grandparents' childhood...
This podcast also relates to this moment: a shared need to meet and talk. Especially, when many want us to be silent, detached, and indifferent….
A feminist collective called for the need to talk about trees, connecting many, many feminist struggles around the world. As they say, to talk about trees is to talk about colonialism, extractivism, and injustice...
I pause my words here, always curious to hear more stories from you.
Take care, and water.
Sonia ”