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GEOPOL 2010 presentation
April 13, 2010

I was fortunate enough to be part of a panel on "Geopolitics and Empire" as part of Virginia Tech's one-day conference "GEOPOL 2010" earlier today. Panelists had what we might call an "academic 10 minutes" (which comes in closer to 15 minutes) to make som

2010 University College presentation: late show
April 10, 2010

Here is the "late show" (1:15pm) version of the 2010 University College information presentation from AU's 9 April Freshman Day. The two presentations have the same slides, basically the same information, but different audiences do make for differen

2010 University College presentation: early show
April 10, 2010

Here is the "early show" (10:15am) version of the 2010 University College information presentation from AU's 9 April Freshman Day. The two presentations have the same slides, basically the same information, but different audiences do make for different dy

Florida methodology workshop
March 29, 2010

Shorter book talk, delivered as part of the University of Florida's workshop on "Epistemology and Method in International Relations." Not crazy about the workshop title -- none of the participants were! -- but it was a wonderful workshop all the same.

Lehigh talk
February 25, 2010

The Conduct of Inquiry in International Relations, round two: a talk delivered at Lehigh University on 24 February 2010, to an audience mainly consisting of undergraduate students. Basically the same slides as the USC talk, but different audiences produce

Battlestar Galactica as methodology
February 21, 2010

Here are my comments from the (in)famous Battlestar Galactica panel from ISA 2010 in New Orleans. The paper in question is still rather rough, but I'm happy with the overall shape it's taking.

Sociology of IR panel
February 21, 2010

My somewhat elliptical discussant comments from a panel entitled "What Language(s) Do You Speak? Knowledge, Networks and the Sociology of IR," from the 2010 ISA conference in New Orleans.

Two Philosophers Shoveling Snow
February 17, 2010

Here is the live performance of my not-a-classic-of-philosophical-drama dialogue "Two Philosophers Shoveling Snow," an earlier version of which was posted over at The Duck a few days ago. The attached file is the slides from which Benjamin Herborth and I

On Comparison
February 12, 2010

This is a little presentation I whipped up for the ISA Compendium project. The title and the topic -- "On Comparison" -- are a bit of an outtake from my forthcoming book The Conduct of Inquiry in International Relations.

Conduct of Inquiry book talk — USC
January 26, 2010

Here's a talk on my new book "The Conduct of Inquiry in International Relations" -- scheduled for release this summer -- that I gave at the University of Southern California, 25 January 2010. Watch this space for more book talks over the next few months.