The Profit Express

Latest Episodes
Do You Need a Sales Coach?
In the world of sales, going it alone can be a tough road to travel. Sometimes, the missing piece is not a new technique, but a new perspective. My guest this week knows just how transformative a new
Are You a Bookable Speaker?
Is your calendar emptier than youd like it to be? Has it been a while since youve been in front of an audience? Whether you want to admit it or not, chances are you are not a bookable speaker. My gu
Does Your Voice Cost You Sales?
A boring, unconfident voice will get you nowhere in life. But what if you had a dull voice and you didnt even know it? My guest today knows what a powerful voice can do, and she is here to help you m
The Evolution of Sales
In my decades in sales, one thing has remained true; the only constant is change. The sales profession has changed greatly, even over the last 10 years. This week I take a look at how the world of sal
What Can Sales People Learn from Failure?
Michael Wright is back on The Profit Express, and he is here to talk failure. Last year, Michael launched his Beyond 40 mission to change the lives of at least 40 people through real estate. Like many
From the Trailer Park to the Boardroom
Take a chance is advice we hear all the time. Whether you have a great idea for a business or you want to pitch for funding, taking a chance is the most important step on your journey. My guest toda
What Does it Take to Be a Great Leader?
Great leaders. We know them when we see them, but what does it take to become one? My guest today knows what its like to have a bad manager. He is here to talk about the ways you can be a great leade
How Do You Embrace Change?
Change is 3 things. Its risky, its disruptive, and its expensive. Its also something no one wants to go through, unless they are forced to. My guest today embraces change, and his new book will sh
How to Life
We all have dreams. Even if you think your dream is impossible, the fact is that life is too short to not take a chance on your goal. My guest this week knows what its like to take that chance, and i
Improv Comic Takes on Bad Customer Service
As businesses become more automated, its starting to seem like good customer service is a thing of the past. But it doesnt have to be this way. My guest today knows the art of listening, and he is h