Professional Confessionals

Professional Confessionals

Latest Episodes

[Artist] Carla Goldberg
November 09, 2019

“Nothing for me beats being an artist. The practice of it, the satisfaction of it.” Carla Goldberg is a successful mixed media artist, gallery director and curator. She discusses her love of what she does and the challenges artists face.

[General Surgeon] Robert Raniolo
November 09, 2019

“Usually the best people in my profession are the most difficult to get along with. They have difficult personalities. It’s funny the way that works.” A fateful family loss during childhood led Dr. Robert Raniolo to follow an otherwise unlikely prof

[Photo Stylist] Raquel Vidal
November 09, 2019

“You have to think like a renaissance person. That’s been really great because I love changing it up and I love visual challenges.” Stylist Raquel Vidal takes us through her engaging journey from fashion design to photo stylist, and

[Climate Scientist] Timothy Hall
November 09, 2019

“The best part is problem solving and puzzles. Putting together pieces from different things that have bounced around your brain because you’ve been working on it for a long time, and when something comes together and it works out, it’s

[Wellness Center Founder] Melia Marzollo
November 09, 2019

“If a school isn’t working for you, if a profession isn’t working for you, choose something else. Choose yourself.” Ascend founder Melia Marzolo reveals her path from English teacher to Wellness Center founder. Courageously fo

[Architect] Juhee Lee-Hartford
November 09, 2019

“I want to move people, create a space where people would feel lifted spiritually, and make it worthwhile for someone to visit that space.” Architect Juhee Lee-Hartford is the managing and founding partner of River Architects. She shares

[Sheriff] Robert Langley
November 09, 2019

“Even if someone has committed a crime, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re a bad person. Sometimes it’s an underlying condition.” Robert Langley has experienced many roles in law enforcement including canine and forensic

[Actress] Liz Keifer
November 09, 2019

“Yes, I did scenes with George Clooney and people like that, but when you’re on a set, it’s like being in the trenches. It’s hard work, it’s not this glamorous love scenario fairy tale.” Liz Keifer has appeared in

[Chef] Richard Kukle
November 09, 2019

“One of the best parts of being a chef is that you get to create every day and experiment. You evolve all the time, you’re always trying something new. We’re artists and we create what is hopefully beautiful looking and tasting.” After a c

[Poet] Jo Pitkin
November 09, 2019

“You’re going to get knocked down a lot, you just have to never pay attention to that. Don’t take the rejection personally. Just remember whoever rejects you on Tuesday, the person on Friday might be telling you you’re great.&#822
