Caffeine-Based Productivity, Part 1
This week, Ray, Augusto, Francis and Art start a conversation about coffee and tea and all things caffeine!
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In this Cast | Caffeine-Based Productivity
Ray Sidney-Smith
Augusto Pinaud
Art Gelwicks
Francis Wade
Show Notes | Caffeine-Based Productivity
Resources we mention, including links to them, will be provided here. Please listen to the episode for context.
CaffeineCaffeine | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public HealthHow Coffee and Caffeine Actually Affect Your ProductivityEffects of Caffeine on Cognitive Performance, Mood, and Alertness in Sleep-Deprived HumansCoffee in the WorkplaceEmber mugSapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah HarariUncommon Grounds: The History of Coffee and How It Transformed Our World by Mark PendergrastBulletproof Coffee Recipe: The Original Keto Coffee with Butter & MCT OilMatéTea / MatchaHerbal teas are non-caffeinated. FoodsSupplementsDrinksCaffeine/Energy shots (Best Energy Shots of 2020)Caffeine tabletsCaffeine patchesCaffeine chart | Center for Science in the Public Interest
Raw Text Transcript
Raw, unedited and machine-produced text transcript so there may be substantial errors, but you can search for specific points in the episode to jump to, or to reference back to at a later date and time, by keywords or key phrases. The time coding is mm:ss (e.g., 0:04 starts at 4 seconds into the cast’s audio).
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Voiceover Artist 0:00 Are you ready to manage your work and personal world better to live a fulfilling productive life, then you've come to the right place productivity cast, the weekly show about all things productivity. Here, your host Ray Sidney-Smith and Augusto Pinaud with Francis Wade and Art Gelwicks.
Raymond Sidney-Smith 0:17
And Welcome back, everybody to productivity cast, the weekly show about all things personal productivity, I'm Ray Sidney Smith.
Augusto Pinaud 0:22 I am Augusto Pinaud.
Francis Wade 0:23I'm Francis Wade.
Art Gelwicks 0:24 And I'm Art Gelwicks.
Raymond Sidney-Smith 0:25Welcome, gentlemen. And welcome to our listeners to this episode of productivity cast. Today, what we're going to be doing is talking about caffeine based productivity, what we want to do is to give you a survey of how to use caffeine to be more productive. And so we're going to take a survey of the do an overview of all of the various caffeine based products, and I thought what we would start with doing is kind of defining what caffeine is and how it works in the first place. And then we will cover the various types of caffeinated products that are in the world. Not all of them, but certainly some of them. And then some of the health risks I think that caffeine has and we can talk about those as well. And some of the benefits, there's actually some really good benefits in the in the health space for that. And full disclosure, we're not medical professionals. So you should probably talk to your your licensed medical professional before you take any advice. And then of course, we're going to talk about timing and methods for consuming caffeine. And I think that'll be really useful for folks as well just to understand those components of how to time your caffeine intake for greater productivity. So let's start with kind of the baseline, which what caffeine is both how we think about it in terms of our world, but also from a little bit more of a scientific perspective. So caffeine, of course, we think of as being in coffee and other products is actually quite a number of other products.