Modern Mentor

Modern Mentor

Latest Episodes

164 GID The Five Best Websites for Achieving your New Years Goals
January 17, 2011

The most popular New Years resolutions are losing weight, finding a job, cleaning up the clutter, and organizing all ongoing projects. There are free and low-cost web sites that help with all these tasks.

163 GID How to Form a New Habit
January 10, 2011

Learn how to form a new habit and get tips on how mental rehearsal and identifying triggers can help you form a new habit that becomes a true habit in no time at all.

162 GID How to Set The Right Goals
January 03, 2011

Keeping New Year's Resolutions requires setting outcome goals that motivate and let you measure your progress. You also need to set process goals. that let you know daily whether you're doing the "how to" in keeping your new year's resolutions.

161 GID How to Plan a Successful Group Trip
December 27, 2010

Going on a group trip with a lot of people can be hard. Get tips on how to plan a successful group trip and learn how making sure you meet everyone's goals can make for a smooth trip.

160 GID Solving Group Problems
December 20, 2010

Working with a group is hard and problems inevitably arise. Get tips on how to easily solve group problems so you can be more productive and happier.

159 GID Event Planning for Complicated Events
December 13, 2010

Event planning and scheduling people in a complicated event can be made simple by using a simple spreadsheet to organize it.

158 GID What Should You Never Say in an Email?
December 06, 2010

How to write good emails is not an art; it's a science. Work selection, internal voice tone, and only including certain kinds of content will all help you write email that communicates clearly without risk of misunderstanding.

101 GID Grocer? Just Met 'er (repeat of 11-21-09)
November 29, 2010

How to do grocery shopping when you don't know what you need. Questions go to or 888-WRK-LESS. Like what you hear? Help us out by writing a review at iTunes!

157 GID How to Use the Phone Better
November 22, 2010

Telephones are everywhere, yet the quality hasn't been poorer for decades. When you have to call someone, use land lines when clarity and connection quality is most important. If you must use a cell phone, take precautions against wind noise, talking volu

156 GID How to Memorize Lines Quickly
November 15, 2010

How to memorize a speech, monologue, or dialog quickly involves starting from the end, not the beginning. By putting the novel material up front, you reinforce confidence and easy when easing into the material you know and have practiced.