Modern Mentor

Modern Mentor

Latest Episodes

295 GID How to Write a Great Resume (Part 4)
December 23, 2013

Creating a resume when changing careers requires a delicate balance of history and transferable skills. Get-It-Done Guy gives you the tools to get it right.

294 GID How to Write a Great Resume (Part 3)
December 16, 2013

Once you have the basic flow of your resume, properly word-smithing each sentence can boost its effectiveness.

293 GID How to Write a Great Resume (Part 2)
December 09, 2013

Writing a great resume means having a great flow to what you present and the order you present it. Get-It-Done Guy explains

292 GID How to Write a Great Resume (Part 1)
December 02, 2013

Simply having a resume isn't enough. You need a resume that does its job, if you want to land your job!

291 GID Scanning Made Easy
November 25, 2013

Scanning your paper files sounds easy, but it isn't quite as simple as you'd like. Get-It-Done Guy has tips on making scanning easier.

290 GID How to Manage Your Task Lists on Paper
November 18, 2013

If you've decided, smartly, on using a paper task list, this episode gives you hints as to how to use it most flexibly and easily.

289 GID Make Relationships Work by Giving 200%
November 11, 2013

If both people in a relationship take full responsibility for the outcomes, you'll find that you get things done more quickly and easily than you ever imagined.

288 GID Make Better Estimates Through Time Tracking
November 04, 2013

Intuitive estimates are almost always wrong. A little simple data tracking, however, and you'll be estimating like a pro. This episodes outlines a simple way to track time and highlights what's important to track to give good estimates.

287 GID How to Run a Decision-Making Meeting
October 28, 2013

Decision-making meetings have the potential to become minor wars. By considering elements in the right order, you'll make your decisions much more smoothly.

286 GID Busy, But Not Productive
October 22, 2013

Being busy and productive are not the same thing. Get-It-Done Guy highlights the things that will push your productivity forward, rather than just keeping you busy.