Modern Mentor

Modern Mentor

Latest Episodes

332 GID How a Responsibility Matrix Can Help You Manage Projects
September 29, 2014

When a project is hampered by duplicated work, poor lines of communication, and the right hand not knowing what the left is up to, a responsibility matrix can be the key to untangling the mess. Get-It-Done Guy explains. Read the transcript:

331 GID Use Technology Audits to Tame Your Technology
September 22, 2014

Rather than assuming your technology is what's helping you be productive, doing a technology audit might show that sometimes, it's the biggest obstacle to productivity. Get-It-Done Guy shows you how to investigate. Visit the website:

330 GID How to Become a Manager
September 15, 2014

When you move from individual contributor to manager, your job has just changed completely. You need an entirely new framework to know what's important and what isn't on a daily basis.

329 GID Delivering Bad News Gracefully
September 08, 2014

Get-it-Done Guy's take on bringing bad news, while reducing your chances of being blamed as the messenger.

328 GID Use Your Online Calendar to Streamline Scheduling
August 31, 2014

One of the few tools that's really better online than off-line is the calendar. For people with complicated schedules, Get-It-Done Guy shares 5 simple ways your calendar program can help you streamline your productivity.

327 GID How to Stay Young? Expand Your Social Circle
August 25, 2014

Get-It Done Guy reveals his secret to staying young at heart (and mind): as you get older, find ways to ensure you have new friends coming into your life. Visit the website to read the transcript:

326 GID How to Teach Your Child Independence
August 18, 2014

Be involved in your child's life, but stimulate self-reliance, not dependence.

325 GID How to Handle Email Overload by Deleting...Everything
August 11, 2014

Get-It-Done Guy helps you master your inbox by understanding how your brain works, and reveals a much better way to deal with email overload. Visit the website to read the full transcript:

324 GID How to Deal With People Who are Late
August 04, 2014

When people are late, they're wasting time you'll have to make up later. But as Get-It-Done Guy reveals, there are things you can do to manage them--and their behavior. Read the full transcript:

323 GID How to Make Efficient Multi-Store Shopping Lists
July 28, 2014

If you need to get numerous things from several different stores, one specially-designed list can help make planning and shopping easy. Read the full transcript: